Get Access to Algorand Nodes and Explorer
NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join ALGO blockchain or to lighten you crypto infrastructure. Connect to full ALGO node, block explorer and testnet now!
NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join ALGO blockchain or to lighten you crypto infrastructure. Connect to full ALGO node, block explorer and testnet now!
Algorand (ALGO) is essentially an open-source, decentralized blockchain network that features its own two-tier structure alongside a unique consensus mechanism called Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS), which was specifically created as a means of increasing the transaction speed and aiding in achieving finality.
Any of the block rewards which get generated on top of the network then get distributed across all of the holders of the ALGO cryptocurrency, and each holder can get rewards just by being a part of the ecosystem.
The base layer of Algorand supports smart contracts, asset creation, and atomic swaps between assets.
Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, ALGO has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.
Algorand utilizes a consensus protocol known as the Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS) protocol that is built on top of Byzantine consensus, and this essentially means that each user has an influence over the choice of if a new block can get generated, something that is directly proportional to their stake, which is the number of tokens that they have within the system.
ALGO is the native cryptocurrency used throughout the ecosystem, and it is split across all of the coin holders, rather than just getting rewarded to those who produce blocks, which allows holders to earn an annual percentage yield (APY) on their crypto holdings.
Algorand does not and cannot be forked as a blockchain, as only one block can have the required threshold of signatures in the order to become certified within a specific round, which results in immediate transaction finality.
It is clear that the Algorand (ALGO) network has a lot to offer in terms of its network functionality, throughput, and unique consensus mechanism, and as such, it is no wonder why so many developers are aiming toward developing their decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on top of it.
If you want to build on the Algorand network, in that case, by utilizing an ALGO node, you can gain access to a plethora of information that you might require throughout your development process, including data surrounding block height, transaction status, wallet balances, or any other similar type of information that you might be interested in.
If you want to get started, all you have to do is visit the official NOWNodes website, after which you can click on "GET FREE API KEY.
Once completed, you can then use your key by visiting the official documentation, which will give you access to all of the codes and the commands required to connect. If you are curious about the other available nodes, you can find the full node list here.
The NOWNodes node explorer is trusted by Vision, Hybrix, PointPay, Spatium, and others.
NOWNodes’s Algorand (ALGO) block explorer will allow you to access a plethora of different data that lives on top of the blockchain and gets recorded to it.
All you need to do is synchronize with the network, after which you can get data surrounding each specific block or gain information surrounding the number of confirmations that have occurred, including the full blockchain size, the height of the blocks at the time of your check, or anything else that is available.
All of this data can be accessed easily and will play a major role, even to non-developers and those who trade or invest in ALGO.