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Get Access to Cosmos Nodes and Explorer

NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join ATOM blockchain or to lighten you crypto infrastructure. Connect to full ATOM node, block explorer and testnet now!

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0.800 sec0.050 sec
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250 00080 000
99,95%API uptime

What is Cosmos?

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The Cosmos network is essentially this blockchain ecosystem that features its own native cryptocurrency token known as the ATOM cryptocurrency.

However, it differentiates itself from other cryptocurrency networks the fact that it is dubbed "The Internet of Blockchains" due to the fact that it is a decentralized ecosystem of independent blockchain networks that can scale and connect to one another.

This even includes blockchains that are built on Cosmos, as well as external blockchain networks built outside of Cosmos.

ATOM is the native cryptocurrency token that is primarily used to power the transactions on the network. Cosmos (ATOM) as a network was developed by Jae Know and Ethan Buchman.

Furthermore, Cosmos was created with the main goal of delivering a variety of different blockchain networks within a single platform and resolving the key issues which have been a part of blockchain networks prior to it, such as scalability, interoperability, usability, and even sovereignty.

Cosmos employs a zero-knowledge model, which is a framework for building custom-tailored, independent blockchain networks which can be fully interoperable with all of the blockchain networks developed on Cosmos.

Any of the blockchain networks that are developed outside of Cosmos can also connect through the usage of the "Peg Zone."

Advantages of Cosmos

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, Cosmos has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • Tendermint BFT and Cosmos SDK

    Tenderming BFT combines the networking as well as the consensus layer of a blockchain network within a single-engine, and this, in turn, enables developers to build public and private-public blockchains with ease. The Cosmos Software Development kit (SDK) assists in the process of building secure blockchain applications.

  • Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC)

    This is essentially the protocol responsible for connecting different, custom-built blockchain networks throughout the Cosmo ecosystem, so they can transfer value, assets, or any other form of data from one another.

  • The Peg Zone

    This is responsible for connecting blockchain networks that are not natively built on top of Cosmos. A peg zone is utilized, which is an account-based blockchain that can bridge zones with Cosmos to external chains and has the role of an adaptor zone or a finality gadget that can translate the finality for probabilistically finalized blockchains.

Connect to Cosmos with NOWNodes

Today, it is easier than ever before to connect to a Cosmos node, so you can take advantage of all of the various use-cases and features surrounding the blockchain network.

Specifically, you are given the opportunity to utilize the blockchain-as-a-service provider NOWNodes in order to complete your goal, where you can essentially access a tool that will enable you to keep track of everything that occurs throughout the network 24/7.

If you are a developer that wants to create a decentralized application (dApp) on top of Cosmos or have numerous other ambitions when it comes to developing on top of this specific blockchain network, in that case, you might want to gain access to blockchain data that will aid you throughout your development process. This includes things such as block height, the transaction status, the wallet balances, as well as similar types of information.

NOWNodes will provide you with the opportunity to access over 100 nodes, all of which will be easily accessible to you through the utilization of an API key that will establish a secure RPC connection.

All you need to do in order to get access to the Cosmos node is to essentially navigate to the official NOWNodes website, after which you can get a free API key by entering your email address and clicking on "GET FREE API KEY."

Furthermore, you can always head over to the official documentation to learn about all of the various codes and commands that can be used as a means of connecting to the network.

Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains over 100 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
ATOM Block ExplorerSoftware that helps your crypto project instantly extract information from the Cosmos blockchain.
ATOM TestnetWith a Cosmos testnet, you can emulate thousands of ATOM transactions without real money and fees.
Websocket ConnectionComing soon!
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Cosmos Block explorer

A Cosmos block explorer will allow you to sync to the network and get continuous data that you require from it. This means that you would essentially get a direct level of communication with the blockchain at any point in time.

By doing this, you can get access to various details about the activity of the blockchain network and can learn about the number of confirmations, for example, which have occurred throughout a specific point in time. You are given an API key to connect to nodes that have an uptime of 99.95%, and you can connect in less than 1 second.
