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Get Access to Dash Nodes and Explorer

NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join DASH blockchain or to lighten you crypto infrastructure. Connect to full DASH node, block explorer and testnet now!

available nodes NOW
Host response time
0.800 sec0.050 sec
Transactions per second
250 00080 000
99,95%API uptime

What is Dash?

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Dash (DASH) is a cryptocurrency token that was developed as a means of offering fast as well as cheap payments from anywhere in the world. Its main goal Is to provide a user-friendly experience when it comes to privacy. Dash is a cryptocurrency that is actually based on Bitcoin (BTC). However, it utilizes a two-tier network structure for an improved level of efficiency. The first tier is the Proof-of-Work (PoW) system, where mining devices are competing to solve cryptographic puzzles, and the second is the Masternodes utilized in Dash, where anyone that owns 1,000 DASH can run a Masternode and is responsible for Dash's InstantSend and CoinJoin features.

Advantages of Dash

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, Dash has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • Extremely secure cryptography

    Dash utilizes the same algorithm that Bitcoin has but improved the security by incorporating additional security measurements. Dash's algorithm is known as X11 due to the fact that it includes 11 types of cryptography that are encapsulated within one, and it is one of the most difficult algorithms to break or even violate.

  • DAO

    Within Dash, the rewards are distributed in a unique way. Specifically, there exist decentralized organizations which are known as DAOs that function as a treasury, where they receive 10% of the mining rewards. These organizations are then responsible for the process of financing projects which benefit the Dash community or the community as a whole.

  • Instantaneous Transactions

    Dash is an efficient blockchain network due to the fact that it utilizes a service known as instantsend, which guarantees that the transfer of Dash from one wallet to another wallet is made within the span of 1 to a maximum of 3 seconds, even when it comes to unofficial wallets, with the main idea that the speed of the transaction always remains on a high level.

Connect to Dash with NOWNodes

You can easily connect to a Dash (DASH) node through the utilization of the NOWNodes blockchain-as-a-service. If you have a genuine curiosity about developing on top of the DASH blockchain network, then, in that case, you need to ensure that you can keep a solid track of everything that's occurring within the DASH blockchain network 24/7.

What this essentially means is that within your wallet, exchange, analytical platform, or even decentralized application (dApp), you need to have consistent access to the data, such as the block height, transaction status, the wallet balances, and anything else that you might require in order for it to function properly.

NOWNodes is a service that will enable you to achieve this through utilizing nodes that give you the data you require, so you can put your focus on your development process instead of having to worry about manually setting up a node or buying expensive hardware.

Through the power of NOWNodes, to which you get access, you are given the opportunity to establish a quick connection to a full Dash node, where the API tools, which are available to you at any point in time, will provide you with solid access to the blockchain through an RPC connection.

NOWNodes will also monitor and maintain the node for you, and you will be fully free to communicate with the support team 24/7 if you have any additional questions that you might require an answer to.

Alongside all of that, a Dash node is a tool that will let you browse the blockchain network in a similar way as you would browse Google for websites.

All you have to do in order to get started with NOWNodes is to enter your email, after which you will be provided with an API key that will enable you to access over 100 of the most popular blockchain networks out there, one of which is Dash (DASH). You can easily get your personalized API key.

Once you have the API key, you can connect to the Dash node, and you can navigate towards the official documentation if you require additional information on how to connect

Additionally, you can also find access to the official full node list here if you are interested in which other nodes you can access with NOWNodes.

That said, if you only require access to the Dash (DASH) node, in that case, you can easily find it here.

Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains over 100 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
DASH Block ExplorerSoftware that helps your crypto project instantly extract information from the Dash blockchain.
DASH TestnetWith a Dash testnet, you can emulate thousands of DASH transactions without real money and fees.
Websocket ConnectionComing soon!
Set up or boost your crypto product. Become a part of the global community with NOWNodes
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Dash Block explorer

will be a way through which you can synchronize efficiently to the blockchain network. A DASH block explorer will provide you with the data you need for any request made from it in real-time.

By analyzing the block height, you can get details referring to a specific block, such as the number of confirmations, the size, and anything else that you might need.

If you want to use NOWNodes to connect to the DASH block explorer, remember that the API used by the service can connect in less than 1 second and that the node uptime is at 99.95%.
