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Get Access to MultiversX Nodes

NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join the EGLD blockchain or to lighten your crypto infrastructure. Connect to a full EGLD node now!

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0.800 sec0.050 sec
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250 00080 000
99,95%API uptime

What is MultiversX?

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MultiversX (EGLD) is a blockchain-based platform that was specifically developed to enable a high level of Speed, security, and scalability.

The primary goal of MultiversX is to increase throughput in terms of transactions per second (TPS) that the network can handle with a scaling method known as Adaptive State Sharding. It also utilizes a consensus mechanism known as Secure Proof of Stake (SPoS).

Adaptive sharding improves communication inside of shards and increases the overall network performance and efficiency.

This is done by combining all three sharding types within a solution that enables parallel processing across all levels. Shards are the smaller sections of the network and are mainly used for scaling, as each shard will handle a portion of the state and transaction processing.

SPoS eliminates any Proof of Work (PoW) computational waste by combining eligibility through stake and rating.

This BFT-like consensus protocol enables a high level of security by randomly sampling the consensus group and randomly shuffling nodes into other shards as a means of preventing collusion.

EGLD is the native cryptocurrency token that is used to power the MultiversX network. The token serves as a medium of exchange between users as well as developers, who can pay transaction fees to use the network, alongside the validators that take the fees as a payment for the services that they provide.

Advantages of MultiversX

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, EGLD has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • High Scalability

    MultiversX is a platform that works to solve the scalability issues seen throughout other blockchain networks by claiming to offer up to 1000 times the transaction capacity, which is available alongside lower transaction fees.

  • Sharding Technology

    MultiversX utilizes sharding technology as a means of solving scalability, which means that the databases are split across smaller fragments, and the network capacity ends up increasing whenever it expands, which prevents the blockchain from slowing down.

  • High Speed

    The MultiversX network has a five-second block time, which means that transactions are executed in real-time with very few delays, something made possible by its Secure Proof of Stake (SPoS) consensus mechanism.

Connect to MultiversX with NOWNodes

You now have the opportunity to connect to a MultiversX (EGLD) node by utilizing the blockchain-as-a-service provider known as NOWNodes.

The EGLD node is a tool that will enable you to browse the blockchain network in a similar way as you would browse Google to look up websites. All you have to do to get started is navigate to the official NOWNodes website, sign up with your email and create your first API key.

Once you receive your key, you will be able to connect with over 100 nodes from the most popular blockchain networks out there, one of which is the MultiversX (EGLD) network.

Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains over 100 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
Websocket ConnectionComing soon!
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