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Get Access to EOS Nodes and Explorer

NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join EOS blockchain or to lighten you crypto infrastructure. Connect to full EOS node, block explorer and testnet now!

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0.800 sec0.050 sec
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250 00080 000

What is EOS?

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The EOS Network is an open-source blockchain platform that prioritizes high performance, flexibility, security, and developer experience. As a third-generation blockchain platform powered by the EOS virtual machine, EOS has an extensible WebAssembly engine for deterministic execution of near fee-less transactions.

EOS is the market's most scalable, divisible, and programmable digital currency. EOS is a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) network where stakeholders have the authority to select node operators. Due to the decentralized nature of the token distribution on EOS, power doesn't reside in the hands of block miners, but rather all parties involved in the EOS Network.

The EOS Network is attractive because of its technology and community. It allows developers to build projects that other blockchains cannot support. The network is straightforward and has multiple tools and educational resources to help users acclimate to the blockchain.

Advantages of EOS

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, EOS has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • High Level of Scalability

    One of the largest issues that many cryptocurrency projects share is finding a balance between decentralization and their ability to scale on a global basis. By utilizing Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) as its consensus mechanism, EOS can process 1 million transactions per second (TPS), which is done through the utilization of parallel processing and enables solid scalability.

  • Heightened Flexibility

    EOS can essentially, at any point in time, stop the node which processes transactions that could potentially result in a DAO attack. This means that it can go back to processing new transactions only after an issue is resolved with the network, which ultimately leads to a much higher level of flexibility.

  • Decentralization

    The EOS platform is considered a decentralized operating system, which means that there is no centralized authority controlling everything, and no central point of failure within the blockchain network. This, in turn, results in a heightened level of security.

Connect to EOS with NOWNodes

You can easily make a connection to an EOS (EOS) node by using the blockchain-as-a-service provider known as NOWNodes.

If all of the aforementioned advantages have given you a genuine level of interest surrounding the blockchain network, and you want to launch your own project on top of it as a direct result of this, in that case, you will need to ensure that you can keep track of just about everything that occurs within the network consistently.

NOWNodes is a service that can provide you with access to EOS (EOS) nodes 24/7, which have an uptime of 99.95%. What this essentially means is that you can carry on with the development of your own project without putting too much time, attention, and thoughts into the node where you get your data from.

NOWNodes will manage and monitor the nodes for you at any point in time, and you will always be given the opportunity to connect to the support team if you have any questions or just need assistance at some level.

An EOS (EOS) node is this tool that will enable you to browse the blockchain network in a similar way as you would browse the Google search engine for websites. All you have to do in order to get started is to enter your email address, after which you will get an API key through which you can connect to the EOS (EOS) node with simple commands.

With it, you will be able to get data surrounding the hashrate, difficulty, block height, wallet addresses, transaction data, balance history tickers list, or anything else that you need. Remember to also head over to the official documentation to get a clear view of all of the commands you can use.

If you want to know about the availability surrounding the other 50 nodes, you can find the official list here.

Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains 45 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
EOS Block ExplorerSoftware that helps your crypto project instantly extract information from the EOS blockchain.
EOS TestnetWith a EOS testnet, you can emulate thousands of EOS transactions without real money and fees.
Websocket ConnectionComing soon!
Set up or boost your crypto product. Become a part of the global community with NOWNodes
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EOS Block explorer

An EOS block explorer will help your project sync with the blockchain network, and the block explorer will also give you any data that you request from it in real-time.

This means that you can establish a solid connection by using NOWNodes and can utilize the data available to you for your development procedure.

There are numerous plans on offer when it comes to the NOWNodes service, where you can start with 20,000 free requests per day, as well as access to all of the nodes

Then there is the Standard and Pro plan, which gives you additional advantages, and the VIP plan is by far the most powerful one.

If you have a genuine curiosity about utilizing an EOS node explorer, the API connection will require less than a second to complete and has an uptime of 99.95%.
