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Get Access to Firo Nodes

NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join FIRO blockchain or to lighten you crypto infrastructure. Connect to full FIRO node!

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250 00080 000
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What is Firo?

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Firo is a digital coin that focuses on exceptional privacy, considering it a basic human right. The cryptocurrency works on Lelantus – a next-generation privacy protocol. When you send a transaction, Lelantus burns your coins and hides them in an anonymity set of 65,000. Currently, Firo is working on deploying Lelantus Spark – a technology that will improve its predecessor by introducing Spark addresses that cannot be searched on the blockchain & their transaction amounts are hidden.

Advantages of Firo

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, Firo has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • Increased privacy

    Lelantus and Lelantus Spark protocols ensure a high level of anonymity of Firo transactions. They break links between senders and receivers and make the payments untraceable. For better protection and privacy, Firo has implemented Dandelion++ – an algorithm that broadcasts transactions across nodes in a way that makes it impossible to find the way to a node that initiated the money transfer.

  • Secure blockchain accessible to miners

    Firo leverages an ASIC-resistant FiroPoW consensus algorithm that allows individuals to mine the coin with a GPU, making the network more decentralized. Firo masternodes serve as the second layer of security – anyone who’d want to perform a 51% attack would have to control both Firo hashrate and masternodes, which is close to impossible.

  • Open Research

    Firo is one of the few crypto projects that do research in blockchain privacy. Each technology including Lelantus and Lelantus Spark is thoroughly studied by the Firo team and go through independent audits that prove the credibility of its infrastructure.

Connect to Firo with NOWNodes

You can easily connect to an Firo (FIRO) node through the usage of NOWNodes. If you are interested in launching a project that runs on top of the Firo blockchain, you will need to ensure that it can keep track of what is happening within the FIRO network 24/7.

This means that your wallet, exchange, analytical platform, or decentralized application (dApp) has to be consistently connected to the data, which features block height, transaction status, wallet balances, and anything else that it might need to function properly.

NOWNodes is a service that will enable you to put your focus on developing your blockchain project without putting much thought into things that are less important.

What this essentially means is that through the power of NOWNodes, you can establish a quick connection to a full Firo node, and the API tools which are available to you at any point in time guarantee secure as well as reliable access to the blockchain in question through an RPC connection.

NOWNodes also monitors and even maintains the node for you, and you are free to communicate with the support team 24/7 if you have any additional questions that you need the answer to.

An node is essentially a tool that lets you browse the blockchain in a similar way as you would browse the internet through the utilization of Google.

All you have to do in order to get started is to enter your email at NOWNodes, which will provide you with access to over 100 of the most popular blockchain networks, one of which includes Firo (FIRO). You can easily get your personalized API Key as a means of accessing all of the nodes for free.

Once you use the API key and connect to the Firo node, you can navigate towards the official documentation to get a clear view of all of the commands you can use.

If you are curious about the full list of nodes and block nodes on NOWNodes, you can find the official list here.

Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains over 100 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
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