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Get Access to Horizen Nodes and Block Explorer

Learn how to access Horizen (ZEN) nodes and block explorers. Get the API key and start building on blockchains with NOWNodes.

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What is Horizen?

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Horizen (ZEN) is essentially a privacy-oriented blockchain network that was originally created as a fork of ZClassic, which was also a fork of Zcash, which gives us a clear image surrounding the origins of the project. It is one of the privacy coins that utilizes a technology known as ZK-Snark.

This is a highly-advanced privacy technology that uses Zero-Knowledge Proofs. As such, the Horizen blockchain network was created as a means of encompassing a variety of different, privacy-focused projects that include a decentralized autonomous organization, a private messenger, an anonymous platform for publications, and a domain fronting service.

ZEN is the native cryptocurrency token that is used to power the Horizen network, uses the Equihash algorithm to achieve consensus, and is a Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchain network. Within this network, there are numerous types of nodes that power it.

Advantages of Horizen

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, Horizen has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • Zendoo Technology

    Zendoo is Horizen's unique sidechain technology that overcomes issues such as scalability, flexibility, and efficiency on the blockchain network. This lets developers, as well as businesses, efficiently create their own blockchain or even decentralized applications (dApps) on top of Horizen's distributed na privacy-preserving network.

  • ZEN Cryptocurrency

    ZEN is the native cryptocurrency token that powers Horizen and is a mineable PoW token that is available on a variety of different cryptocurrency exchanges. This token is what gives value to the overall ecosystem and has numerous usec-ases across the Horizen sphere in crypto.

  • Two Different ZEN Addresses

    There are two types of addresses. T-Addresses are regular ones where anyone can see all of the transaction history within a specific account, while Z-Addresses are also known as shielded addresses, and whenever two Z-addresses transact, they remain private, anonymous, and completely hidden.

Connect to Horizen with NOWNodes

Today, it has never been easier to connect to a Horizen node as a means of taking advantage of all of the numerous benefits and use-cases as well as the features that are on offer by the blockchain network.

Users are given the opportunity to, at any point in time, utilize a blockchain-as-a-service provider such as NOWNodes in order to complete this task, where they can essentially get instantaneous access to a Horizen node.

If you are a developer that consistently aims to create a decentralized application (dApp) that is specifically created on top of the Horizen blockchain network, then, in that case, you would need to gain access to blockchain data that will give you valuable information about your dApp.

This includes things such as block height, the transaction status, the wallet balances, as well as similar types of information.

NOWNodes will provide you with the opportunity to access over 50 nodes, one of which is the Horizen (ZEN) node, through the utilization of an API key that will establish a secure RPC connection.

In fact, all you need to do in order to get started is to head over to the NOWNodes website, after which you can get a free API key by entering your email address and clicking on "GET FREE API KEY."

Additionally, it is advisable that you navigate to the official documentation to learn about all of the various codes and commands that can be used as a means of connecting to the network.

Set up or boost your crypto product. Become a part of the global community with NOWNodes
Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains over 100 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
ZEN Block ExplorerSoftware that helps your crypto project instantly extract information from the Horizen blockchain.
ZEN TestnetWith a Horizen testnet, you can emulate thousands of ATOM transactions without real money and fees.
Websocket ConnectionComing soon!

Horizen Block explorer

The Horizen (ZEN) block explorer will essentially enable you to synchronize with the network easily. What this essentially means is that you can get instantaneous access to any and all data that you might require from the network at the point in time when you need it.

By taking an in-depth look at all of the various aspects that are provided to you within a blockchain network, such as the Horizen blockchain, you can get details that refer to a specific block as well as the number of transactions within it, assuming, in the case of Horizen, that it is a T-address.

Alongside all of this, by utilizing NOWNodes as a service, you will get an API that will provide you with nodes that have an uptime of 99.95%. You can also connect to any node within less than a second, which is time-efficient.
