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Connect to Ravencoin Node and Explorer

Get instant access to Ravencoin (RVN) nodes fast and easy. Get your API key and start building on cryptocurrency blockchains with NOWNodes.

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What is Ravencoin?

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Ravencoin (RVN) is a blockchain network that was specifically created with the main goal in mind of issuing tokens and filling the role of an alternative to other blockchain networks at the time. However, this blockchain network utilizes the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism and can be used for a variety of purposes as a result of this, such as the representation of real-world assets and even non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In fact, Ravencoin was created as a fork of Bitcoin in 2018, but there are key differences surrounding it.

However, Ravencoin has a reputation due to the fact that it utilizes a unique consensus mechanism known as the KAPOW mechanism. This is an algorithm that has been specifically designed as a means of allowing for more decentralized mining when compared to the algorithm used by Bitcoin (BTC), which is the SHA-256 algorithm.

Furthermore, KAPOW is specifically designed to resist mining through the usage of application-specific integrated circuit chips (ASICs) and expensive or specialized computer hardware that might not be affordable or even an option to enthusiasts that simply want to get into the mining process with ease.

Advantages of Ravencoin

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, Ravencoin has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • Token Issuance

    Ravencoin can be used as a means of issuing tokens that can represent real-world assets such as gold, shares of a stock, virtual goods, rewards, or any other type of asset that a developer can think of. Furthermore, through this functionality, users can create non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Ravencoin through the usage of an RVN wallet platform known as MangoFarmAssets. There is even a tokenized version of RVN that runs on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) and can be used for borrowing, lending and trading through decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

  • Solid Infrastructure

    Due to the fact that Ravencoin has a unique infrastructure, given the fact that it is a Bitcoin-based network, it offers each user the ability to launch and even trade tokens, and it is an attractive option for many industries that want to launch a digital token that has the primary level of functionality to be used as an asset transfer.

  • Messaging Functionality

    Another notable feature surrounding the entire Ravencoin ecosystem is the fact that Ravencoin even provides token creators the ability to message anyone that holds their cryptocurrencies, which means that specific holders can be notified whenever they might be interested in voting for new proposals. Due to the fact that all RVN tokens are transferable, holders can not only delegate votes to other users, but they can also decide to sell their stake in a community.

Connect to Ravencoin with NOWNodes

You can now easily connect to a Ravencoin (RVN) node through the usage of the blockchain-as-a-service provider known as NOWNodes.

In fact, if you have ever gathered some level of interest in regards to what the Ravencoin network looks like or want to develop your very own application, token, or use-case surrounding the Ravencoin blockchain network, in that case, it is advisable that you keep track of everything that you can throughout the network on a consistent basis.

What this essentially means is that you would need to gain access to information to a wallet, exchange, analytical platform, or any application. This can include information such as block height, hash rate, transaction status, the balance of a specific wallet, or any other information that you might require.

This is where NOWNodes is brought into the picture, as it provides a service that will enable you to achieve this by providing you with the information that you need at the point in time when you need it.

Through the usage of NOWNodes, you can get access to API tools that will enable you to gain access to the blockchain through the usage of an RPC connection.

This means that through the utilization of the power found within the NOWNodes services, you will be provided with access to a node that is always maintained and monitored, which means that you can put your complete focus and attention to the development of the specific use-case you have in mind, instead of worrying about taking care of and maintaining a node yourself.

The RVN node is a tool that will let you navigate through a blockchain network in a similar way as you would navigate through Google for specific websites. All you have to do is enter some commands. These can be found in the official documentation, which will show you everything you need to know when connecting.

Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains over 100 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
RVN Block ExplorerSoftware that helps your crypto project instantly extract information from the Ravencoin blockchain.
RVN TestnetWith a Ravencoin testnet, you can emulate thousands of RVN transactions without real money and fees.
Websocket ConnectionComing soon!
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Ravencoin Block explorer

The Ravencoin (RVN) block explorer is a way through which you can sync to the blockchain network and can gain access to any data that you require.

By taking the time to analyze a variety of different aspects of the network, you can be informed regarding the wallet, analytical platform, block height, transaction status, wallet balances, and similar types of information.

NOWNodes gives you access to an API that has an uptime of 99.95% and can allow you to connect within the span of less than a second.
