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Get Access to STRAX Nodes and Explorer

NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join STRAX blockchain or to lighten you crypto infrastructure. Connect to full STRAX node, block explorer and testnet now!

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What is Stratis?

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Stratis (STRAX) is essentially an enterprise-grade blockchain infrastructure as well as a service provider, where the company aims to supply consulting services alongside technical support to any business that aims to leverage some of the advantages found within blockchain technology.

The network stands out when compared to others due to the fact that it enables anyone the opportunity to create private sidechains and even leverage blockchain identification services.

Furthermore, its open and simplistic structure allows anyone to stake their tokens and secure rewards, and the network even streamlines the creation, deployment, and testing of decentralized applications (dApps).

Advantages of Stratis

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, STRAX has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • Reduced Cost

    Stratis (STRAX) can reduce the cost and technical requirements when it comes to businesses that aim to integrate blockchain technology within their business system, as the system aims to streamline the onboarding process, benefiting all parties involved.

  • High Customizability

    Users are essentially provided with the opportunity to customize their side chains and meet specific requirements. This is a flexibility that enables the Stratis environment to meet any demands and fill any role, where users can create independent sidechains that utilize their own consensus and governance mechanism or even issue tokens.

  • Ethereum Interoperability

    Stratis is a protocol that is fully compatible with the ERC-20 token standard, which means that any developer can get onboard with ease and expand their decentralized applications (dApps) on the Stratis network without needing to re-code anything.

Connect to Stratis with NOWNodes

If you are a developer or an enterprise business that aims to leverage all of the aforementioned benefits found within the STRAX ecosystem and network as a whole or simply want to port an Ethereum-based decentralized application (dApp) and capture its heightened utility, you can gain a lot of benefits from connecting to a node and gaining access to a lot of valuable information surrounding everything that occurs on top of its network.

Specifically, you can get information about the block height, the transaction status, the wallet balances, or any other similar type of information that you might be interested in learning about.

As a developer, this information can be invaluable when testing out a dApp’s transaction functionality for the very first time, while as a trader, you can check if a transaction went through in terms of transferring the cryptocurrencies from one wallet address to another.

All you have to do in order to engage with the blockchain node is to go to the official NOWNodes website, after which you can click on "GET FREE API KEY" and then navigate to the official documentation that will take you over each of the codes and commands on how to connect. Additionally, you can find the full node list here.

The NOWNodes node explorer is trusted by Vision, Hybrix, PointPay, Spatium, and others.

Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains over 100 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
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Stratis Block explorer

NOWNodes offers a Stratis (STRAX) block explorer that will provide you with extensive data on just about everything that is occurring on top of its network. This means that you can gain access to data surrounding each specific block or gain information surrounding the number of confirmations that have occurred.

You can also review the full blockchain size, block height, or anything else you might need, all of which are accessible through an API key. All you have to do is synchronize with the network, and you will have a solid connection.
