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Get Access to Zilliqa Nodes and Explorer

NOWNodes is a great opportunity to join ZIL blockchain or to lighten you crypto infrastructure. Connect to full ZIL node, block explorer and testnet now!

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Host response time
0.800 sec0.050 sec
Transactions per second
250 00080 000
99,95%API uptime

What is Zilliqa?

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Zilliqa is a blockchain platform that enables smart contract functionality and has gathered quite the level of popularity due to the fact that it utilizes sharding as a means of maximizing the number of transactions that can be performed at any point in time.

Furthermore, Zilliqa uses a unique consensus mechanism, which is a hybrid of proof-of-work and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PoW and pBFT).

This network is powered by the native cryptocurrency token known as ZIL. This cryptocurrency is utilized in numerous ways, such as for the payment of transactions on the blockchain, as well as for generating rewards for the nodes that perform the calculations so that the network can operate.

The main reason why it has grown to such a significant level is due to the fact that it utilizes sharding to maximize the number of transactions that can be confirmed per second.

Advantages of Zilliqa

Despite the existence of many other cryptocurrencies, ZIL has a lot of advantages and here are just a couple of them.

  • Low Costs and Transaction Fees

    Sharding that is enabled by the network enables a large number of transactions to be completed within the span of a second, which reduces the overall cost associated with each transaction. This ultimately leads to cheap costs associated with utilizing some of the various features enabled by the network.

  • Scalability

    Sharding also means that more people can start using the blockchain network due to the fact that its capacity can be increased just by utilizing the sharding process. This makes it one of the most scalable blockchain networks out there, which is a point of appeal for a lot of developers and people interested in it.

  • Cost-effective Mining

    Due to the unanimous agreement, which is required by pBFT, even lower-powered hardware can get a portion of each block reward that is generated through the mining process. What this means is that ZIL is one of the most cost-effective cryptocurrencies due to the fact that each node can get some portion of the reward, even if it does not end up proposing a block first.

Connect to Zilliqa with NOWNodes

You can easily connect to a Zilliqa (ZIL) node through the utilization of NOWNodes. If you have a genuine interest in launching your own project, one that is powered by the Zilliqa blockchain network, you will need to ensure that you can keep track of everything that occurs within the network on a consistent basis.

As such, NOWNodes is a service that will allow you to put an emphasis on the development of your products, services, or anything else you are curious about creating within the network due to its smart contract functionality without putting too much thought into things that are not as important.

This is due to the fact that NOWNodes monitors the network and maintains the node for you, where you are free to communicate with the support team 24/7 if you have any additional questions that you need assistance with.

A Zilliqa node is a tool that lets you browse the blockchain in a similar way as you would browse the internet using Google. All you have to do in order to get started is to connect your email address with the official website and can access over 100 of the most popular blockchain networks.

Once you get your key, head over to the official documentation to get a clear view of all of the commands you can use.

If you are curious about the full list of the block nodes and block explorers on NOWNodes, you can find the official list here.

Shared Full NodeNOWNodes maintains over 100 full nodes, and you can access all of them via one single API key.
Dedicated NodeThis is a private node that we operate especially for you.
ZIL Block ExplorerSoftware that helps your crypto project instantly extract information from the ZIL blockchain.
ZIL TestnetWith a ZIL testnet, you can emulate thousands of ZIL transactions without real money and fees.
Websocket ConnectionComing soon!
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Zilliqa Block explorer

The Zilliqa block explorer will help your project synchronize with the blockchain network, and a ZIL block explorer will also provide you with any data that you request from it in real-time.

What this means is that by utilizing NOWNodes, you can essentially establish a solid connection to the full Zilliqa node, as well as the API tools that are available to you at any point in time, through a guaranteed, secure connection that is reliable. You can get access to information, such as hashrate, difficulty, block height, wallet addresses, transaction data, balance history tickers list, or anything else that you need.

With the free plan, you get 20,000 free requests per day, as well as access to all of the nodes. The other plans, which include the Standard and Pro plan, give you additional advantages, and the VIP plan is by far the most powerful one.

If you are interested in using a Zilliqa node explorer, remember that the API implementation requires less than a second to connect and has an uptime of 99.95%, which allows for consistent access to blockchain data.
